Parish Life
Christian life is lived in relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and together with other Christians throughout the world, all seeking to deepen that relationship and follow the way that Jesus taught.
Christianity is all about a relationship with God within a community of the faithful. Therefore, the best way to find out about faith and prayer, to raise questions and to seek answers, is to meet other Christians by attending church and being open to what might happen there. We are an eclectic and welcoming community, with most worshippers coming to us from beyond the parish.
The Mission of St John’s
St John’s is an ancient church surrounded by a rapidly changing urban environment. As a city centre church, we endeavour to keep the church open daily for those who wish to use it for prayer or quietness, or who seek material or other help; also for visitors from the UK and abroad who are interested in the building and what it stands for. When the church is open, it is staffed by volunteers who are always willing to answer questions about the church, or to signpost people who may be in need of particular services or advice.
Equally, we believe we should be open to the needs of the world around us. So we value the daily Mass with intercessions for the city and the world. You can find out more about St John’s by reading our Mission Action Plan.
Social Action
As part of our mission, with the enthusiastic encouragement of the previous incumbent and a number of the congregation, St. John’s has become a dues-paying member of Tyne and Wear Citizens, the North East chapter of Citizens UK. You can find out more about our involvement with Tyne & Wear Citizens here.