Welcome to the Church of St John the Baptist, Grainger Street, Newcastle.
An oasis of peace in the heart of a busy city.
St John’s will welcome Ukrainian community to worship in a Ukrainian language service.
Church is o
pen from 9am, service starts at 10am. Refreshments served in the Parish Hall after the service.

All are welcome.
Ukrayina Servis
18 lyutoho, subota, 10 ranku
Svyatoho Ivana zaproshuvatyme ukrayinsʹku hromadu do bohosluzhinnya ukrayinsʹkoyu movoyu.
Tserkva vidkryta z 9 ranku, pochatok sluzhby o 10 ranku. Pislya sluzhby chastuvannya v parafiyalʹniy zali.
Laskavo prosymo vsikh
Events in the run up to Christmas Day
Saturday 17th December, 12.30pm Musica Johannis’ Christmas Concert
We are delighted to welcome Music Johannis back to St John’s to perform in this lunchtime concert.
Musica Johannis was founded over 30 years ago, here at St John’s under the then Musical Director, Geoffrey Watson. It was originally a chamber choir, but over the years has evolved into a vocal octet. They are certainly one of the North-easts leading vocal octets and continue to perform around the area, happily supporting charitable causes. Funds raised from Saturday’s concert will go to St John’s.
Sunday 18th December, 10.30am – Fourth Sunday in Advent.
Please join our Sunday morning service at 10.30am for the lighting of our fourth advent candle. All monies collected throughout December will be donated to the Newcastle West End Foodbank.
Saturday 24th December, 6.00pm – Christmas Eve Blessing of the crib and pets.
This perhaps unusual tradition has been running at St John’s for over 10 years. It is something which must be experienced, so why not bring your pet to church on Christmas Eve for a blessing, as well as a lovely service!
Sunday 25th December 10.30am – Solemn Mass of Christmas
Join us for the third Sunday of Advent.
Throughout December all of our collections will be donated to the Newcastle West End Foodbank. 
Music- Hymns NEH 19, 48, 297, 186
Mass setting Missa di Angelis
Anthem – Gabriel’s Message Arr. Watson
Music – Hymns NEH 10, 14, 408, 420
Mass Setting – Harwood in Eb
Anthem – Hark! The glad sound – Thorne
We are delighted to welcome Luis Schmidt and John Hinton for a festive evening of Christmas Music at 7pm.
This Sunday we celebrate the first Sunday of Advent, beginning our preparation for Christmas.
Sung Mass is at 10.30am every Sunday.
Hymns – NEH 11, 15, 16, 7
Mass Setting – Ritchie
Anthem – Never weather beaten sail. Campion, arr. Bullard